This chart displays the Iowa public school Pre-Kindergarten to 12th grade (PK12)
enrollments from the last eleven academic years (starting from the most recent year of the COE report). The data includes the
count and percentage of students by both Academic District and gender.
Data Source
The data source, for this chart and accompanying table, is the Student Reporting in Iowa (SRI), fall submission.
Counts and percentages are based on students enrolled and attending in a district as of
October 1st, of the reported year.
Academic Distric: the district where the student is enrolled and attending as of October 1st, of the reported year
Gender: whether the student presents as Female or Male
Selection Tools
Gender Enrollments Color Key: the user clicks on a Gender Enrollment, and
the corresponding line (gender) in the bar chart, table, and line chart are selected
Select School Districts Filter: the user can select one or more specific shool districts to